A bad credit score could keep you from getting approved for a lower interest rate to purchase or refinance your home. It can keep you securing a good rate when buying a new car. A low FICO and Credit Score can lead to a higher interest when applying for credit cards and keep you from borrowing money from prime lenders. Now that we got your attention, it is very important to know that 45% of your score is determined by items being reported to the 3 Credit Bureaus by your creditors. Your correctly reported repayment history, hard credit inquiries, and correct personal information on your credit file are critically important. Hence, our job at Credit Repair And Restoration.com is to make sure your creditors report accurate information.

Your credit did not get wrecked overnight, so the repair work will not be fixed overnight. It takes on average six months to 2 years to fix what most clients have done wrong over a lifetime. Credit repair is done in partnership with you strategically, by you managing the use and payment of your debt daily, and we work together to rebuild your creditworthiness which is done in real-time. Therefore, the training we offer our clients is to help you manage your credit, decrease debt, increase your income, and build generational wealth.



Our vision is unlimited! We teach our clients to think and become unlimited in their lives, change credit behaviors, and live a financial life of “unlimited,” using credit wisely.

Our Goal in everything we do is to emphasize and teach our clients the importance of using credit and debt wisely, living within their means, and advising them to decrease their spending to match their income or increasing the income to match their desire lifestyle.


To become the company, our future clients seek to repair their credit and empower them to become responsible stewards of their personal and business credit use.

To teach our clients how to build wealth effectively and help them increase their Financial EQ and IQ.

To be the company that transforms the lives of over 100+ million families to enhance their financial wellness. Additionally, our mission is to train our clients on wealth build tactics and strategies. Provide programs, tools, and training to build our client's interpersonal wealth to manifest externally with generational wealth, wealth-building coaching, and money management.

To communicate thoroughly and directly with our clients and establish direct relationships with each of the three major credit reporting agencies to increase our access to our client's credit files. We leverage our partnerships and affiliations to monitor and protect our client's accurate credit reporting and online identity from theft.

To provide a Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair program for those seeking to repair their credit over time. We know that repairing your credit and building wealth can be overwhelming, but we have simplified these processes in all our courses.



To build trust, be honorable, and explain the credit reporting and repair process to our clients in a way that’s understandable and personalized to our clients.


It is our core mission and values to be of service to you, our most valued client. Our day-to-day life management is based on our actions personally, financially, educationally, and emotionally! Our services, training, and coaching have been designed to help you improve your life.

Credit, Credit Reporting, and Credit Use are critically important to your modern life! Your credit report or FICO Score often determines banks or lending institutes offering you lower interest rates on personal loans, lower mortgage rates, car loans, approvals, apartment rentals, insurance, and employment hiring that requires security clearances more. The credit report impacts nearly every aspect of our lives. Therefore, our programs, training, and services are designed to help you, our clients, maintain a higher credit score, ensure your credit reporting is accurate, and correct reporting problems when they are identified. If you don’t MONITOR, you want to KNOW!


Major lending institutions use your credit score to decide to lend you money or extend you additional credit. You must monitor what is happening with your credit score and what is placed on your credit reports. Special circumstances not limited to divorce decrees, military service, identity theft, student loan rehabilitation, medical billing, and tax liens can influence what is being reported. The alerts, monitoring, and scanning of the Dark web service will search for your name, social security number, address, and other personal data to notify you when your personal information is circulating or use incorrectly for identity thieves.



We must obtain your credit report/file from the 3 Credit Reporting Bureaus to make sure what is being reported is 100% accurate. It has been proved that by the FTC that 25% or more of Americans have inaccuracies within their credit reports. These inaccuracies come from all 3 Credit Bureaus' inability to track over 250,000,000+ consumer credit files properly. It is our mission that your creditworthiness is fairly reported in accordance with several consumer protection statutes. We will need to obtain a copy of your credit file to ensure inaccurate credit data isn't causing significant damage to your consumer credit report and score during the credit repair and restoration. If not, we will take action by law to rectify the problem.


Providing our clients numerous credit repair options, training, eBooks, and ways to increase their income is one of our core mission and commitment to our customers. Luck happens with Opportunity meets Preparedness, so our services are design to ensure “OPPORTUNE LUCK” is on your side with all the services offered to you on our website. Providing you with early notice of potential fraud on your credit report, so you can take steps to protect your personal information, repair your credit, and increase your FICO Score. We know that if you wish to gain financial freedom, you must live within your means, save, invest, and make “m.o.O.r.e” money. Our business opportunities are numerous; home-based travel agent, vitamins and supplement distributor, an option of health and wealth management tools for coaches, business ownership via Market America, Joint Venture Partnership via our Business Coaching partnership program, and much more.



Proper and timely reporting of your credit use and its accuracy is very important. When creditors don’t follow the credit reporting laws, they must revise, remove, and ensure your credit use is reported correctly and accurately. Credit companies must fully substantiate and verify the information credit reporting to the 3 Credit Bureaus. Debt collectors must document that you owe the debt they are attempting to collect on and that they own the debts. Through the Dispute process, we help our clients challenge the unfair and inaccurate information reported on their credit files to ensure that their reports are fair, accurate, and entirely substantiated.


We have found that Education about most subjects and situations is the key to living a better life. Being uneducated about your credit will keep you in the poorhouse and up to your eyeballs in debt. If you don’t know or understand the credit game or system, it is time you learn quickly and teach your children about managing debt early in life. There are several categories of debt and understanding them can help you throughout your life.

1. Oral agreements are obligations that were made based on a verbal agreement. There is nothing in writing.
2. Written Contracts are debts signed by you and the creditor. The written contract will have the terms and conditions for the loan.
3. An Open-Ended Agreement is typical of credit cards and store credit cards which are revolving credit balances that you can borrow, payback, and borrow again.
4. The last category of debt is a Promissory Note which includes student and mortgage loans. Promissory notes are w written agreement that provides for payment schedules, interest rates, and due dates. Each state has a Statute of Limitation of how long that debt can remain on your credit report.
There are many factors or ways to increase your credit score and maintain great credit. After you have corrected your credit report and gotten back on track, the next step is credit care, living within your means, and being financially smart with your money. By monitoring your credit reports on all 3 Credit Reporting Bureaus and your FICO Score, understanding what’s being reported and consumers can enjoy more financial opportunities that will lead to greater freedom in life. Learning how to manage money better is a key to greater success in life. We offer business opportunities, tools, expert advice, comprehensive credit repair training, financial management training, life coaching, and a membership subscription for you to get the resources to manage debt, repair credit, and continue the life learning of wealth building.

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